Developing Psychometry

If you have ever held an item, and had strong feelings about it, you have probably already experienced psychometry.

Psychometry is the ability to gain impressions from objects by holding or touching them. This ability allows you to sense an object’s history or obtain information about the person who owned the item.

Psychometry is sometimes referred to as ‘sensing with the fingers’.

This article describes four exercises that will test and then help develop your psychometry skills.

The first exercise is a psychic warm-up exercise. Do this exercise first and remember to relax when you do all the exercises.

Also, be patient. Some people get amazing results immediately. Others may have to spend months, or even years, gradually developing their psychic abilities.

You may find it easier to practice these psychometry exercises with a friend. This will allow you to test each other. You can also encourage and congratulate each other as you make slow and steady progress, as well as give each other immediate feedback.

You may wish to record all these exercises onto a cassette tape or even onto video. That way you can review the exercises and your results.


Psychometry Exercise 1 – Warm-up

Sit down in a comfortable chair. Ensure you are in a room where you won’t be disturbed. Have something to hand which you wish to psychometrize. It’s best to start with small objects that you can easily hold in your hands. Good objects are handwritten letters or cards, a piece of jewelry, a watch, a key, or anything with some history. A recently purchased or acquired item is not a good choice.

It’s best to use objects loaned to you by a friend. That ensures they can give you feedback about the individual item’s history or information about the items previous or current owner.

You will find it easier if you close your eyes while doing this exercise.

Pick up an item and hold it with both hands. What thoughts, images and feelings come to mind? Don’t rush. Stay relaxed. Don’t try to interpret or analyse these psychic impressions. Also, don’t try and force impressions. Don’t try too hard. If you try and force results you will probably get absolutely nothing. If, after a few minutes, you don’t feel that you have got any impressions then just try again another day with a different item. In the initial stages of your development you may be more sensitive on some days more than others. Some objects may be able to hold stronger vibrations than others.


Psychometry Exercise 2

First, do your warm-up exercise.

Next, stand up. Close your eyes. Ask a friend to hand you an item that belongs to them. Hold the item in both hands. Take your time, then say out aloud what you are receiving. Say what you sense even if it feels strange or even wrong at the time. You may even feel that you are making things up, but just keep going.

Get feedback at the end of this exercise, not after you each item that you psychometrise. Waiting until the end will ensure that you don’t get discouraged by any ‘misses’ during the exercise.

Try this exercise with as many different people and objects as you can. You may find that sometimes you can psychometrize objects easily while at other times you receive absolutely nothing. Initial failure is normal. Don’t worry about not getting information spot-on either. Indeed, psychic impressions are largely beyond your control and may take some time to develop.


Psychometry Exercise 3

This is a very difficult exercise. Don’t get disappointed if you don’t get any initial results.

Start with your warm-up exercise again.

Then, ask a friend to put out several items on a table. Turn your back. Ask your friend to pick up just one item and hold it for 1 minute. While they are holding the item your friend must imagine that all their energies are flowing from their mind and body out through their fingers and into the object. They must do this with all their heart and soul. Have them replace the held, energised item with all the other items. Ask your friend to turn around so that you can’t see them and get any clues from their reactions. This is very important. Now you turn back around and pick up each object in turn. You should feel your friend’s energy more strongly on the item they held and energised than on any of the other items. Identify the held item and ask your friend to confirm that you chose the correct item.


Psychometry Exercise 4

This is another difficult exercise.

Again, start with your warm-up exercise.

Ask a friend to handwrite several short notes. Use a separate piece of paper for each note. They only need to write one or two sentences per note. The notes can be about any topic. They should write something truthful on all but one of the notes. The odd-one-out should tell a blatant lie, for example, “My name is Mary” when her real name is Susan. Ask your friend to fold each note in half so you can’t read it. Mix the notes around. Pick up each note and feel its energy. Don’t read the note! Try and identify the note that contains the lie. You may need to feel the notes several times to note the difference between them. Depending on your individual reactions the ‘lie’ may feel cooler or warmer or it may make your hands tingle or any other reaction that makes it somehow feel different from the others. You will need to be aware of all your reactions and note which one stands out as being different. Ask your friend to confirm that you have chosen the correct note.

After you have finished each exercise, wash your hands with soap and warm water. This releases any negative energy that you may have absorbed from the items you were holding.

Your psychometry skills will improve each time you practice these exercises.