Psychic Power Newsletter

Location: Sydney, AUSTRALIA

Phone: 02 9519 6633 or 0409 652 191



Date: September 2005

Dear Friend,

Lets continue with Chinese Numerology and our step-by-step guide to Palmistry.

Numerology (Part 8)

Negative Arrows

The Negative Arrows occur when three numbers are missing in a row, column or diagonal. Negative arrows indicate the areas of life that a person needs to make the greatest effort in this lifetime. Some of the negative arrows are Karmic - they indicate that in a previous lifetime, a person did not put in enough effort into these areas. These will continue with continue in subsequent lifetimes until the required effort is made.

Arrow of Poor Memory

This is not a Karmic arrow.

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 3,6 & 9.

This arrow cannot not occur for anyone born in the 20th Century.

These people are forgetful and absent minded. This does not mean they are not clever. Some are very smart and witty, eg, an absent-minded professor.

Their memory gets worse over time.

Arrow of Sensitivity

This is a Karmic arrow.

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 2,5 & 8.

These people are very sensitive and easily hurt. They try and hide their feelings. They are usually shy as children, though some overcome this shyness as they mature. Unfortunately, some develop a lifelong inferiority complex. These people need to learn to accept criticism from others.

Arrow of Impracticality

This is a Karmic arrow.

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 1,4 & 7.

This arrow cannot not occur for anyone born in the 20th Century.

These people are not practical. They live their lives using logic, emotion, intuition, fantasy and theory. They are very idealistic and romantic. They find it difficult to function in everyday life. These people need to learn to become grounded in reality, and to become more practical.

Arrow of Frustrations

This is a Karmic arrow.

This arrow is made up of the absence of the numbers 4,5 & 6.

People with this arrow suffer from more than their fair share disappointments and frustrations. Disappointment can sometimes lead to depression. Frustration can sometimes lead to aggression. These people suffer disappointments and frustrations because they expect too much from other people. They also expect too much from themselves. These people need to learn to accept both other people and themselves as they are, otherwise they will continue to suffer endless frustrations.

Arrow of Inactivity

This is a Karmic arrow.

This arrow is made up of the numbers 7,8 & 9.

These people lack motivation. They fail to make plans. They hesitate. They procrastinate. They don't act. As a result, they seldom achieve much. Once they learn self-discipline and set realistic and achievable goals for themselves, they become high achievers.

That's it for Numerology!

Palmistry (Part 5)

So, we have:

  1. Determined the dominant hand.
  2. Determined their hand position.
  3. Determined if their hand is full or empty.
  4. Determined if the hand is large or small.

The next step is to look at the softness of the hand. In particular, we need to look at the softness of the skin.

Many beginners of Palmistry have great difficulty determining the softness of a Palm. The following may be helpful.

Assume you have 2 objects in front of you. One is a lump of dough. The other is a brick. The dough is softer. Why? Because if you press you finger down onto the dough, there is little resistance to pressure. Furthermore, once you remove your finger, the dough takes a long time to return to it normal shape. The same applies to Palms.

To test for Palm softness, press your finger into any fleshy part of the Palm. The fleshy part is usually the ball of the thumb, or the very bottom of the Palm, underneath the little finger, near the wrist. Press down. Is there any resistance to the pressure? Soft palms have very little resistance. Now pull your finger away. Does the skin spring back to it normal shape? Soft palms take a second or two to spring back.

Soft Hands

Soft hands are a more feminine (Yin) trait. People with soft hands are intellectual, emotional, spiritual and intuitive. They have less physical energy. They dislike hard, physical work. They are very sensitive to their environment. Their focus of attention is their inner-world of feelings, thoughts and emotions. They tend to be dependent on others.

In short, these people prefer thinking and feeling to "doing".

Soft hands are most often seen in Psychic and Conic hands, as well as in "Water" and "Air" hands (Hand types will be covered in later Newsletters)

Hard Hands

Hard hands are a more masculine (Yang) trait. These people have much physical energy. They can appear insensitive to soft-handed people. Their focus of attention is the outside, physical world. They tend to be independent.

They prefer "doing" to thinking and feeling.

Hard hands are seen most often in Basic, Square and Spatulate hands, as well as in "Earth" and "Fire" hands. (Hand types will be covered in later Newsletters)

Intermediate Hands

These hands are neither soft nor hard. These hands are the most versatile. These people are able to focus on the outside, physical world, as well as their inner-world of feelings, thoughts and emotions. They are somewhat physically energetic.

Intermediate hands are seen most often in Philosophic, Spatulate and Mixed hands.

That's it for this issue. Next issue we will start looking at tarot.


Dr Peter Filis